God has always wanted to walk among His people Leviticus 26:12. He spent time in the garden walking with Adam and Eve before they sinned.

We can see He had a close relationship with Abraham James 2:3 the friend of God. In fact, throughout the Old and New Testament God sought a special relationship with all the people.

Today is no different. God want that relationship with His greatest of all creations described in Genesis 3:7. He seeks to draw us close to Him like a mother hen may draw her chicks under her wing.

Because of our sins God cannot have this relationship. We have separated ourselves from God as within Him is no unrighteousness.

Due to His blessed son we have the opportunity to become the friend of God once again. Our love for Him drives us to keep His commandments. The desire we have is to draw close to Him and to be like Jesus.

This is the relationship God had with Adam and Eve before the fall. With Abraham till his death. And want with us.

So the question we want to propose today is “Do we know God?” Wait a minute the answer is not as  easy as you may think. Many know God on vastly Different  levels. So while we think we know God let  us see the level  we are content with. Is it anything close to that of Abraham or Job or the Apostles or Paul and the many great people of the Bible