Let’s turn our hearts and minds back to Acts 9:31. We see the early church flourishing in peace and mutual edification, clearly walking in both the fear of the Lord and the comfort of the Holy Spirit, leading to significant growth among the believers.

This morning, we delved deep into what it means to walk in the fear of the Lord. Now, I want to focus on the equally vital aspect of our faith – walking in the comfort of the Holy Spirit. This concept echoes Jesus’ promises to His apostles about the Holy Spirit, whom He referred to as the Helper, Comforter, or Advocate.

Let’s recall Jesus’ words in John 14, where He assures His disciples that although He would leave them physically, He would pray to the Father to send the Holy Spirit to be with them forever. The Spirit would serve as a reminder of Jesus’ teachings and as a guide into all truth, as described in subsequent chapters of John. This was a specific promise to the apostles to aid them in their foundational work of the church through miracles, wisdom, and the truth of the gospel.

For us today, while we do not experience the Holy Spirit in the miraculous ways the apostles did, His presence is no less real or powerful. According to scriptures like John 7:37-39 and Acts 2:38, the Holy Spirit is promised to all who believe, are baptized, and commit to Christ. This Holy Spirit works within us to produce the fruits of the Spirit—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control—as detailed in Galatians 5.

The comfort of the Holy Spirit in our lives today does not manifest through physical signs but through spiritual assurance and the transformation of our hearts and minds. As we strive to follow Christ, the Spirit helps to conform us to His image, guiding us in truth and reinforcing our faith through the sacred Scriptures.

This afternoon, let us explore how the early church experienced the Holy Spirit’s comfort and how we can embrace and be transformed by that same comfort today. Understanding and experiencing the fullness of the Holy Spirit’s role in our lives can strengthen our walk with God and foster a community that reflects Christ’s love and power.

As we proceed, remember that the Spirit that moved in the early church is with us today, leading us into all truth and enriching our community with divine peace and love. Let’s cherish and hold fast to this comforting presence, allowing it to guide us in every aspect of our lives.