I urge you to deeply reflect on Ephesians chapter 4, particularly verses 4 through 6, where Paul emphasizes the need for unity among believers. You were called with a divine purpose, and to honor this calling, you must walk in a manner worthy of it. Remember, your calling is not just about accepting Jesus and baptism; it’s a lifelong journey of embodying Christ-like qualities and teachings.

In Ephesians chapter 4, verses 2 and 3, Paul describes the qualities of Christ – lowliness, gentleness, longsuffering, and love. These are not just virtues to admire but a path to walk upon daily. Your actions and attitudes outside the church walls are as important as your conduct within. Being a Christian isn’t just a Sunday role; it’s an identity that shapes your every action, every day.

Maintaining unity in the Spirit requires diligence and effort. It’s about striving for peace and harmony among believers. Look at the early church in Acts 2 – their unity and shared goals are a model for us. This unity is grounded in the fundamentals of our faith: one body, one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God. These seven pillars are the foundation of our unity in the Spirit.

Your duty as a Christian is to uphold this unity. It’s not just about agreeing on certain doctrines but living out the teachings of Christ in every aspect of your life. Remember, unity doesn’t mean uniformity in every thought or action but a harmonious relationship under the same fundamental beliefs and values. Therefore, I implore you, live a life worthy of your calling, embody the teachings of Christ, and strive for unity with your fellow believers. This is how you truly honor the calling you have received.