Today, I want to discuss the principles of church growth. The reality is, that many churches are struggling, some even closing their doors. It’s clear that the Lord desires growth for His church, as evidenced in Ephesians 4:11-16 and Colossians 2:19. He has provided us with gifts and connections to Him for spiritual development. However, church growth isn’t automatic; it requires effort and commitment from each of us.

To avoid stagnation or decline, there are two vital principles we must understand and apply. First, every part of the church must do its share. As in Ephesians 4:16, the church is likened to a body, with each member playing a critical role. Just as a body cannot function properly if an arm or a leg fails to do its part, a church struggles when its members are not actively contributing. We must draw strength from Christ, the head of the church, and each other. This communal effort is essential for growth.

Yet, even when each part does its share, growth can be hampered if the strong don’t support the weak. As a church welcomes new members, it’s crucial for those more established in their faith to be patient and nurturing. New members, especially those new to Christianity, require guidance and understanding. The church grows when the strong bear the weaknesses of the newcomers, as highlighted in Romans 15:1-2.

When strong members become disheartened, it’s a sign of danger for the church. A sense of weariness or feeling unappreciated can lead to a loss of motivation. As strong members, we must find joy in serving the Lord, even when it goes unnoticed by others. Remember, God’s strength is unlimited, and we must rely on Him, especially when our own strength falters.

Church growth hinges on each of us fulfilling our function within the body of Christ. We must all do our share in the work of the church, support the growth of weaker members, and continuously seek strength from the Lord. If we can commit to these principles, our church can not only grow but thrive.