This afternoon, we continue our exploration of peace, focusing specifically on making peace with God.

In our morning discussion, we delved into the biblical concept of peace, understanding its depth beyond the common definitions of harmony and tranquility. Remember, in Scripture, ‘peace’ (Shalom in Hebrew, Eirene in Greek) signifies completeness, soundness, and inner tranquility rooted in a trust in God through Jesus Christ.

We observed that not everyone experiences peace, that Jesus came as the bearer of peace, and now we delve into the essential aspect of making peace with God.

Paul, in Romans 15:33, refers to God as the ‘God of peace,’ signifying that true peace originates from God. This peace surpasses all understanding, guarding our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus, as mentioned in Philippians 4:7.

However, sin creates a barrier between us and God. Isaiah highlights that our iniquities have separated us from God (Isaiah 59:2). The wicked, likened to troubled seas, are devoid of peace. Without God, there is no true peace.

But, here’s the hope: Jesus Christ makes peace with God possible. This is achieved through justification by faith, where we are deemed not guilty and reconciled with God. Redemption, provided through the blood of Jesus, plays a key role here, as depicted in Romans 3:24-25. We are reconciled back to God through Christ, as affirmed in 2 Corinthians 5.

Now, let’s consider the peace God offers to those reconciled to Him. Isaiah describes this as ‘perfect peace’ (Isaiah 26:3) and ‘peace like a river’ (Isaiah 48:18). Romans 15:13 speaks of God filling us with joy and peace in believing. 2 Thessalonians 3:16 tells us that God gives us peace always, in every way.

So, how do we enjoy this peace of God? We keep our minds stayed on Him, trust in His promises, obey His commandments, and believe in Him, as indicated in Isaiah 26:3, Isaiah 48:18, and Romans 15:13, respectively.

The critical question then becomes, have you obeyed the gospel of Jesus Christ? Believing in Jesus as the Son of God, confessing your faith, being baptized for the remission of your sins, and remaining faithful until the end are key steps in this journey (John 8:24, Romans 10:9-10, Acts 2:38, Galatians 3:27, Revelation 2:10).

Remember, the Lord gives strength to His people and blesses them with peace (Numbers 6:24-26). If you yearn for this peace of God in your life, I invite you to respond to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Do you have His peace? If not, this is your moment to step forward, to make peace with God, and to embrace the life He offers. Let us sing with open hearts, ready to receive His peace.