Our text today concerns a time Jesus needed to go through Samaria.  The inhabitants of that area had been rejected by the Israelites and as a result they were turned off to the Jewish religion.

While there, He met a Samaritan woman, of questionable morals, by the well side and asked her for a drink. As they discussed the strained relationship and eventually worshiping of God Jesus told her true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth.

Because Jesus, a complete stranger to her, told her certain things about her life she believed and told others Jesus was the Messiah called the Christ. Jesus was able to touch the life of this cast out and rejected women due to her seeing God in Him.

That society is like so many others that have and do exist. Throughout history the people of God have had difficulty reaching people. Some may say it is due to a judgmental attitude. However, reading the story we note Jesus talked to her concerning her morality and present position in society.

While there may be a number of unknown reasons surrounding the Samaritan women’s action one thing we know. She saw Jesus Christ and He changed her life. This fact alone should cause us to consider what others see in us and our worship assembly and bible studies. Are we showing Christ in our singing, prayers and Lord’s supper activities? Are the subjects presented in our bible class showing a clear picture of our Lord and Savior?

Perhaps, just as importantly do the participants of our assemblies and activities show Christ in our actions, attitude and appearance.

Come with us as we examine this vital issue of our Christianity. Follow along in the outline located elsewhere in the bulletin.