If God wants everyone to be saved, why is the Bible so hard to understand? It might surprise you to […]
Did your Mom make you share your toys when you were little? You got a new toy. It’s a toy […]
Today, as we gather in spirit and truth, I want to delve deeper into our understanding of prayer, an integral […]
Today I want to share with you the challenges Christians face in this world, particularly regarding the authority in morality. […]
After the birth of Jesus, Joseph is told in a dream to take Mary and their Son to Egypt to […]
Let’s delve into Revelation chapters 21 and 22, where we encounter the breathtaking vision of the New Jerusalem, a promise […]
I’m here today to share a pivotal message about worship inspired by the encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan woman […]
We can read in John’s gospel (John 6:1-14) of how Jesus fed about 5,000 people with only 5 barley loaves […]
We delve deeper into the Book of Acts, specifically chapter 16, to understand the profound conversions in Philippi prior to […]
Today, I want to talk to you about being a light in the world, a vital topic given our ever-changing […]